Bethel's Global Reach
Bethel's Global Reach
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Industry: Non Profit

Founded: 2010


Bethel's Global Reach began in the summer of 2009 with a vision to impact the world for the cause of Christ. We looked at the great divide that existed between the missionaries that went into largely African Countries and the disparaging number of African American missionaries. With this we incorporated a group of people who had a sincere heart to reach people all across the world. In September 2010 formed and organized Bethels Global Reach Inc. a Non-Profit 501c3 organization. Our mission statement was clear from our inception. "We are committed to helping provide for the physical and spiritual needs of people locally and throughout the world and by so doing enhance the quality of life" With the formation of a five member board and Executive and Administrative Directors in place, we were poised to make the lasting difference. In the years of our existence we have deployed 500+ missionaries to foreign missions fields and have sent well over 13,000,000 dollars in medical and dental supplies. "Operation Clean Water" | Dr. Luke's Missions | Kenyan R.E.A.D. Initiative are grassroots projects that help to change the world that we all collectively all share. We exist to be agents of change, so that future generations will benefit. We have continued to innovators on the mission’s field and truly believe that the best is still yet to come!